Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Pledge of Allegiance - Under God Explained, Red Skelton

1 comment:

  1. I would like to say, "Thank You", for posting this. I feel so many have forgotten that we are a nation, under God, and a loving God that has kept
    us safe for many, many years and still does. Although, many have, I feel,
    turned away, or forgotten, are are just to busy with their lives, to remember what God has done, is still doing, and greater things He would do for us, if we would just praise Him, and put Him first in all things.
    I thank you again, your church, for posting this. May God bless your church family, and let us all pray for our country, our service people
    in foreign lands, our political leaders, and for each other.

    Jimmy Wynn (White, GA) and Thank you, uncle Pete (love ya)
